I would like you to meet Davella, one of my dear blog followers and friend. She is a loving wife and caring mother of two little children.Davella is now attending a Culinary School and she has a dream of becoming a Chef in the near future. As we all know this is not an easy and short term
of achievement especially when you have a family and other responsibilities, but Davella is determined to follow her dream and prove to herself that no matter how hard it will be nothing will stop her to achieve her goal.
All I'm asking from you my dear visitors is to visit her blog davellaculinar.blogspot.com and leave a comment with the best encouragement words and congratulate her for her decision. She needs moral support and who can give it to her better then us, the fellow bloggers who visit each other and compliment one another.
I personally thank everyone who takes a few minutes of their time and address a few lovely encouragement words to our friend who needs just that.
Davella, I love you and I wish you the best; be strong, everything is going to be all right! I'm very proud of you!
of achievement especially when you have a family and other responsibilities, but Davella is determined to follow her dream and prove to herself that no matter how hard it will be nothing will stop her to achieve her goal.
All I'm asking from you my dear visitors is to visit her blog davellaculinar.blogspot.com and leave a comment with the best encouragement words and congratulate her for her decision. She needs moral support and who can give it to her better then us, the fellow bloggers who visit each other and compliment one another.
I personally thank everyone who takes a few minutes of their time and address a few lovely encouragement words to our friend who needs just that.
Davella, I love you and I wish you the best; be strong, everything is going to be all right! I'm very proud of you!
With all my respect,
Sure Nina i will go visit your friend !
ReplyDeletes-a facut! cum sa nu ajutam o prietena la nevoie? cu mare drag! felicitari Davellei pt.ce face si tie Nina pt. initiativa!
ReplyDeletechiar daca nu las comentarii, eu te vizitez mereu. la ce creezi tu Nina, vorbele sunt de prisos!
I will definitely be sure to leave some words of encouragement for your aspiring friend! It takes a truly passionate person such as yourself to recognize a true passion in another!
ReplyDeleteNina, your kind and loving heart is as great and as beautiful as your food. I shall head there next.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I´m going to visit to brave woman!
ReplyDeleteA kiss
No problem.. going over right now.
ReplyDeleteyou are amazing!! of course, I`ll stop by!
ReplyDeletenina,felicitari pt. asa initiativa!eu pe davella oricum o vizitez si o sustin neconditionat!
ReplyDeleteGirls thank you very much for stopping by and read; I'm sure Davella will be very happy and motivated!
ReplyDeleteLove and kisses to all of you who visited and commented on Davella's blog!
NINA draga mea iti multumesc inca o data pentru initiativa ta, esti o adevarata prietena si sustinatoare de proiecte. Intr-adevar drumul meu este lung, greu si cu multe sacrificii, dar sper sa reusesc. Pe langa toate acestea, lucrez zilnic intr-un restaurant montrealez pentru a dobandi o experienta "oficiala". Pentru a putea fi admisa la marea scoala Academia Culinara, am nevoie si de cateva cursuri ajutatoare. Deci muncesc din greu pe toate planurile si exact cum bine ai spus tu, dragii mei copilasi au si ei nevoie de mami a lor. DAR !!! Exista marea pasiune pentru ceea ce fac, dragul meu sot ma sustine, iar cand am citit pledoaria ta, mi-au dat lacrimile si mi-am spus: Trebuie sa reusesc!!! Nu conteaza cat timp imi va lua acest proiect, il pot numi pe drept cuvant: PROIECTUL VIETII MELE. Merci mult draga mea prietena pentru tot si sper sa fiu demna de sustinerea voastra. Iarta-mi rara prezenta si lipsa comentariilor zilnice, dar sa stii ca urmaresc cu acelasi mare interes blogurile dragi mie si mai ales al tau, pe care l-am considerat intotdeauna o opera de arta si de delicii. Multi pupici si noapte buna!
ReplyDeleteDavella, draguta, merci si eu pt. tot si inca o data mult succes!